A. Paredes, Ce poème inédit est cité par Ramon Salvídar dans son ouvrage : Chicano Narrative, The Dialectics of Difference (Madison, The U L'accent hispanique qu'il retranscrit orthographiquement est certes difficile à rendre, je propose toutefois cette traduction : « Car le Tex­Mex, loui, el a pas de terre / Y s'est fait piétiner des deux côtés d'la frontère [le Rio Grande] / C'te poutain d'langue gringo, y peut pas la parrler / E'te tord la langue y t'donne envie d'yerber / Ouais, i'disent bien qu'il est citoyen 'rricain / Ma' alors, pourquoi es'ce qu'ils l'traitent de sale Meyicain ?, of Wisconsin P, issue.11, 1935.

F. Lomelí and J. Martínez, Chicano Literature : A Reference Guide, Ecritures hispaniques aux Etats­Unis : mémoire et mutations, p.28, 1985.

R. Pérez­torres, Movements in Chicano Poetry, Cambridge U. P, p.24, 1995.

. Cf, G. Ashcroft, H. Griffith, and . Tiffin, The Empire Writes Back, pp.1-2, 1989.

A. Michel and «. Terres-d-'amérique, Dans Bone Game, autre roman de Louis Owens, l'un des personnages mentionne aussi cette référence : » Et je m'y connais un peu en maladie de fantôme, Terres d'Amérique Louis Owens insère par ailleurs des analyses de Ceremony dans Mixedblood Messages : Literature, pp.40-135, 1996.

W. Edward and . Said, Culture et impérialisme, traduit de l'anglais par Paul CHEMLA, Fayard/Le Monde Diplomatique, p.322, 2000.

A. Krupat, The Turn to The Native : Studies in Criticism and Culture, op. cit, p.30

W. Edward and . Said, Culture et impérialisme, op. cit, p.133

W. Edward and . Said, Culture et impérialisme, op. cit, p.98

F. Hartog, Le Miroir d'Hérodote, Essai sur la représentation de l'autre, pp.225-226, 1980.

R. Slotkin, The Fatal Environment, The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization 1800­1890, p.53, 1985.

W. Churchill, Fantasies of the Master Race, op. cit, p.171

L. Owens and W. , Albin Michel, « Terre d'Amérique », 1996, p. 30 ? pour le texte original : « Must've been the hair. You're starting to look like a old­time Indian, a whole lot like a picture I seen once of your uncle when he was a kid, of Oklahoma P., « American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series, p.18, 1991.

L. Cf and . Owens, Mixedblood Messages : Literature, Film, Family, Place, op. cit, pp.35-36

O. Cérémonie and . Cit, ? pour le texte original : « a thousand dollars a mile to lock the mountain in steel wire, to make the land his, pp.202-188

. Ibid, 244 ? pour le texte original : « he could see Josiah's vision emerging, he could see the story taking form in bone and muscle, » (Op. cit, p.226

P. Ibid, The snow had melted into their hides, washing out the dirt and manure, leaving them silky white ? the spots were golden brown. The butterfly brand and Auntie's rafter were barely visible through the heavy new growth of winter hair. Josiah had wanted something more than the stupid drooling Herefords the white ranchers had, something more than animals that had to be driven to water like sheep, and whose bellies shrank around their ribs before they would eat cactus or climb the ridges for brush and bark, My uncle was looking for cattle that could survive drought and hard years'. » (op. cit, pp.229-212

. Ibid, 107, pour le texte original : « It was a world alive, always changing and moving ? and if you knew where to look, you could see it, sometimes almost imperceptible, like the motion of the stars across the sky, p.95

L. Owens and L. Chant-du-loup, 17­19 ? pour le texte original : « Thinks he owns the whole goddam state cause he's a injun. [?] J.D. ain't going to like him shooting up two more machines, Dinker said, He ain't going to let that old man keep shooting up his machines, pp.8-9

R. Anaya and . Sous-le-soleil-de-zia, ? pour le texte original : « Only crazies would do something like this, Drain her blood like some fucking satanic crap. » (op. cit, pp.31-53

. Ibid, 43 ? pour le texte original : « I think there was some kind of a ceremony here, p.32

. Ibid, 30 ? pour le texte original : « there was something diabolical in the room, an evil presence, he felt it, p.22

. Ibid, 39­40 ? pour le texte original : « 'I've been saving this for last,' Howard said. 'Look.' He pointed to her navel. The scratches Sonny had noticed now became the outline of a barely perceptible circle around her belly button. Four radiating lines extending from the circle, and when Sonny looked closely, he saw each line was really four lines. Four lines up toward the middle of her breasts, four lines toward her sex, and four out to either side, They had scratched the Zia sun sign around her navel

. El-ombligo, There was something very special about the ombligo. It was the connection to the mother. On Gloria's soft mound of a stomach the sign lay nascent, a red outline on her smooth, pale skin. 'The Zia Sun

. Dans-l-'un-des-vers-du-poème, le narrateur interpelle l'animal en ces termes : « 'Prophet !' said I, 'thing of evil ! prophet still, if bird or devil !?'« ? pour la traduction française de ce vers du Corbeau : « Prophète, dis­je, 2016.

. Ibid, Pájaro said, his look growing seriousWe're a small group, we have only one goal : to close down WIPP. Our reasoning is simple, but it will work If the nuclear waste producers have no place to store their garbage, they have to stop producing it, right ? During the cold war the whole world went insane producing plutonium. Now, they want to shove that high­level waste down our throats. We resist. We're committed to saving Mother Earth. [?] We've been keeping tabs on cancer occurring in the South Valley. [?] We read the papers, make notes, pinpoint where the person lived and worked? [?] Cancer linked directly to the poison the base has been dumping for years. Did you know that area in the South Valley has the highest rate of cancer in the city ? The pollutants are there, man, we know it and DOE knows it, but everybody denies responsibility and nobody wants to clean up ! [?] It's the feds and the DOE that're running the state ! Cramming all the shit from Rocky Ford to Los Alamos down our throats, pp.99-101

W. Churchill, Fantasies of the Master Race, op. cit, p.85

. Yeah, the WIPP site was a temporary solution, they couldn't go on stockpiling radioactive waste forever. Mother Earth was being disemboweled ? the caverns that were her womb were being poisoned with barrels of nuclear waste. She was impregnated with plutonium, the deadliest element known to mankind, but she would resist

R. Anaya and . Sous-le-soleil-de-zia, 189­190 ? pour le texte original : « Most people knew little of don Eliseo's kind of love for earth, of the memory that ran through the roots of the plants and trees and the water of the river. They knew little of don Eliseo's prayers, his saints, his visits to Sandia Pueblo to pray to the deities of the pueblo, p.162

. Ibid, 10 ? pour le texte original : « It had been witness to the last hundred years of history in the village of Ranchitos [?]. Its spreading branches had shaded don Eliseo's family for many generations

L. Owens and L. Chant-du-loup, ? pour le texte original : « Before he went out there he started telling folks around town that he wouldn't let them do it, that it was sacred land up there and that kind of stuff, pp.46-78

. Ibid, 102 ? pour le texte original : « Following what he knew was the same trail the old ones had followed across the mountains a thousand years before, he tried to imagine himself as one of them. An image of a plain warrior padding silently through the forest came to him and he smiled. Books and movies seldom showed Indians who looked like the Salish people of these mountains. Short, dark people dressed in woven cedar bark weren't as exciting as Sioux warriors in eagle­feather headdresses on horseback, the sun always setting behind them, p.83

. Ibid, ? pour le texte original : « [?] rolling the window down a few inches to smell the damp air with its growth and decay, logging mills and mist, air so thick after Santa Barbara that he felt like a man at the bottom of the sea. Diving back home, going down and down toward some kind of dark center, pp.28-45

. Ibid, 172 ? pour le texte original : « Down there where the rivers came together and split again, it wasn't his home anymore, not earth­blood and rock, cedar red like blood, rivers cutting at the old ones beneath their stones, a pulse through the mountains like the heartbeat drum at the spirit dances, p.143

. Ibid, 106 ? pour le texte original : « A few weeks later he'd climbed the ridge to the north of Fish Creek until he came to a small lake his uncle had described. The lake sat in a tight basin in a wrinkle on the long, meadowed ridge. Above the lake the ridge rose to a crest of dark granite and ice, There was no trail, and the lake was on no map. » (op. cit, pp.87-88

. Ibid, 11 ? pour le texte original : « A big man came around the back of the machine that had been cutting at the mountain. He glanced skeptically down the road to where a line of caterpillars and dumptrucks and graders crouched. Then he turned and spit before he looked up at the mountainside. Behind him a new road stretched into the trees alongside the river, the rusty earth torn and uneven where the gravel trucks had not yet reached

. Ibid, One thing I want to ask you, Tom. Where's your people ? Where's your tribe, man, your family ?' Tom shrugged. 'Gone,' he said. 'My aunt's in Rockport, but that's about all. They're just gone, Tom Joseph, the one­man tribe, pp.235-195

. Ibid, 101 ? pour le texte original : « He'd come to the wilderness first as a boy, stepping in the bootprints of his uncle, and the wilderness had been an enormous, boundless world of meadows and waterfalls, silver lakes, granite and ice. But as he'd grown, the wilderness had shrunk, and he'd come, finally, to know the smallness, the delicacy of the place, p.82

S. Momaday, House Made of Dawn, 1966 ? pour l'édition de référence, p.16, 1989.

. Je-reprends-ici-en-la-modifiant-quelque-peu-une-idée-de-frederic-jameson, Tous les textes du Tiers Monde sont nécessairement, c'est du moins l'opinion que je défends, allégoriques, et ce en un sens très précis : ils doivent être lus en tant que ce que je nommerai des 'allégories nationales', même quand, ou peut­être devrais­je dire surtout quand, leurs formes s'appuient majoritairement sur des machineries représentatives occidentales comme le roman, Third World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capital », Social Text, pp.65-88, 1986.

C. Pinçonnat and «. , Le temps des nouveaux guerriers??: le h??ros culturel, figure de la reconqu??te identitaire et territoriale, Amnis, issue.2, 2002.
DOI : 10.4000/amnis.150