*. Gingras, Information The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b07622. Detailed experimental procedures, characterization of compounds, computational details, structural, spectroscopic , and enantiomerization data (PDF) Crystallographic data for racemic 2 (CIF) INFORMATION Corresponding Authors *yoann, pp.0-0003

?. M. Acknowledgments-we-thank-dr and . Giorgi, ) for X-ray structural analysis, Pr Ste?phaneSte?phane Viel and Mrs Roselyne Rosas (Aix-Marseille Universite?)Universite?) for assistance with NMR spectrometry , Pr. Paola Ceroni (Univ. of Bologna) for photophysics, the Centre Re?gionalRe?gional de Compe?tencesCompe?tences en Modeíisation Mole?culaireMole?culaire (Aix-Marseille Universite?)Universite?) for computing facilities. Financial supports from, CNRS), and CNRS PICS (No. PICS07573) with the University of Bologna are gratefully acknowledged. M.V. is thankful to the French-Italian University (Vinci Program) for a Ph.D. contract (No. C3-141)

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