.. P. 40-cf and . Tsurumi, 41 A ce moment là, il y a déjà 16 instituts de langue japonaise et 36 instituts satellites, pp.58-1852

L. Chanter, Il a une bien meilleure oreille que l'enfant japonais ». Cf, Arnold Juleau H, Education in Formosa, p.19, 1908.

. P. Cf and . Tsurumi, Le traitement des enseignants japonais était le triple de celui des enseignants chinois, Cf. Kann, vol.64, p.39199284

. Quai-d-'orsay, C. Paris, . Lettre-du-dr, . P. Landsborough-au-dr, and . Maclagan, Archives de l'Eglise presbytérienne Formosa file, box 4, file 10 Son fils, David Landsborough naîtra dans ce même hôpital en 1914 Voici ce qu'il dit de son père dans une série d'interviews publiées : « At the hospital my father trained some young men to be doctors. they became local-limited doctors (xiandiyi) but they had to take an examination from the Japanese. My father trained the young men who were suitable. He gave them training four or five years. They stayed in the hospital and worked in various departments of the hospital. My father used to teach them in the evening too when he had time, Cf. Liu T,J, Chen M.L, Oral history of Dr Landsborough IV, Institut d'Histoire, Academia Sinica, pp.10168-170, 1925.

. «. Cf, The Order of the Bath », Tainan Hospital. Formosa, Medical Missions at home and abroad, p.282, 1917.

Y. Cf and . Takekoshi, Japanese rule in Formosa, p.288

. Au, hôpitaux des missionnaires apportent indubitablement le progrès dans l'île, ils sont très simplement équipés de l'essentiel comme en témoigne D, pp.24-26

D. Cf and . Landsborough-citant-son-père, Le même David témoignant : « if you wanted to have a good education, if you tried to get into the good school in Taipei, or you could go to Japan and get an education in a Japanese school and then get into a Japanese university, everyone went for that?, p.30

I. Liu-shiyong and «. Qingqie, Voir Riju shiqi Taiwan shehui gonggong weisheng guannian zhi zhuanbian » (Propreté, hygiène et protection : l`évolution du concept de médecine publique à Taiwan durant la colonisation japonaise, Taiwan shi yanjiu, pp.69-146

. Cf and . Shimuzujun, Japanese research on Taiwan Austronesian-speaking people Pheobe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology and Shungye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, 2001.