, a)}), m) + ) (since GR and Cn are increasing when the program increases, m) + ) = Cn(GR(P ? Q ?Y, m) + ) = m and ?Y = Y \ { f act(a)} ? Y such that P ?Y ? Q is consistent

X. Let, Q. )-;-p-?-q-?-x), P. Each-x-?-x, and . ?-x-?-;-p-?-q-?-x-;-x-?-ca, By Definition 10, P ? X ? Q is consistent, that is, ?m ? AS, We have to show: (1) m ? Mod(P ? Q)

, By Theorem 1, since m ? AS(P ? Q ? X), m ? Mod(P ? Q)

. P-?-q-?-x), P. For-each-x-?-x, Q. , ). Ca-;-p, and Q. , Now, by hypothesis, m ? AS

X. P-?-q-?-x-and-if-x-?-x, Q. ). Therefore-x-=-x, and X. Min, So m is an answer set of, Q) then ?m s.t. X ? Nded(m , P ? Q) and m ? AS(P ? Q ? X )

, This means that |R ? Y | is not minimal, and consequently the number of atoms is(x) ? X 0 will be larger than the number of atoms is(x) ? X. If X O ? AS((P\R 0 )?Y 0 ?Q), then X 0 corresponds to an independent set S 0 such that |S 0 | > |P|?(k RY /2), because none of the constraints in Q 2 are satisfied

, ? If we do not find such a triplet, this means that there is no independent set which is larger than k = |P| ? (k RY /2), and then

Y. , R. , Q. , R. , and Q. , We now show that G contains a maximum independent set S of size k only if the set of atoms X = ?(S) is such that there exist a set of facts Y and a set of rules R

G. and Q. )-;-p-\-r)-?-y-?-q), We prove that S is a maximal independent set of size k = |V | ? (k RY /2). Let us compute ((P \ R) ?Y ? Q) ?(S)

?. ,

, ? {? body + (r) | r ? Q 6 , is 2 (x) ? body ? (r)

, ? {? body + (r) | r ? Q 6 , is 1 (x) ? body ? (r)

, ? All rules in P \ R. Note that, as ?(S) ? AS((P \ R) ?Y ? Q), these rules are such that is 1 (x) ? ?(S), and thus x ? S

. P-\-r)-?-y-?-q, ? all rules in Y , whose content is Y = {(is 2 (x).) | is 2 (x) ? ?(S)}, because ?(S) ? AS

. P-\-r)-?-y-?-q,

. P-\-r)-?y-?-q, e(x, y).) ? Q 2 which would prohibit ?(S) to be an answer set of (P \ R) ?Y ? Q. Similarly, ?(is 2 (x), is 2 (y)) ? ?(S) 2 , there is no fact (e(x, y).) ? Q 1 because if it was the case, ? Q 1 because if it was the case, there would exist a constraint (? is 1 (x), is 1 (y)

?. E. |v-|-?-|y-|-=-|p-\-r|, Thus S is an independent set of size k

(. Moreover, R. , and Q. , there is no (Y 0 , R 0 ), with R 0 ? P, atom(Y 0 ) ? atom(P ? Q)

, ? for any such set Y 0 there exists a pair of rules (is 2 (x) ? not is 2 (x)., is 2 (y) ? not is 2 (y))

, ).) ? Q, which means in turn that {x | is 2 (x) ? Y 0 } is not an independent set of G, or, References Alchourrón, Studia Logica, vol.44, issue.4, pp.14-37, 1985.

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