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M. Phd, Her main research interests focus on social representations (methodological issues, theoretical development, social representations of health and illness) and social psychology of health (perceptions and representations of health and illness, body image), Contact Email: marieana.aim@gmail.com, vol.3, p.21

, He is currently working in the field of home care assistance for the elderly and/or individuals with disabilities. His main research interests focus on social representations (theoretical and methodological issues) and social psychology of health (perceptions and representations of care, care practices)

, INNA BOVINA is Professor of Health and Social Psychology at the Department of Clinical and Forensic Psychology of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. Her main research interests focus on social representations (theoretical development, social representations of health and illness, representations of the past) and social psychology of health (prevention)

, His main research interests focus on social representations (methodological issues, theoretical development, social representations of health and illness, representations of risks) and social psychology of health (perceptions and representations of illness and care, supportive care, coping)