S. A. West, A. S. Griffin, and A. Gardner, Curr Biol transcription of the genes located in 5' and 3' of the amplified region. Molecular weight markers (MW, 607 in kb) are indicated on the left. White dashed lines separate different gels combined to a single image, 2007.

, FIG 2 Regulatory elements of the sci1 and 4532 promoters

, Fur binding 610 boxes and Dam methylation motifs. The +1 transcriptional site, identified by 5'-RACE are indicated in 611 bold red letters. GATC Dam methylation sites are indicated in bold blue letters. The -10 elements are 612 indicated in green. The underlined sequences indicate Fur binding boxes (italics) and translational start 613 codons. (C) Sequence alignment of the fur1 (sci1 promoter) and fur-32 (EC042_4532 promoter) boxes 614 with the E. coli Fur box consensus sequence. Identical bases are framed in grey. The -10 elements 615 (green letters) and GATC motifs, EC042_4532 (B) promoters highlighting overlaps between the transcriptional elements

, FIG 3 The 4532 promoter is under the control of iron levels, Fur and Dam. ?-galactosidase activity (in 617 Miller units) of a promoterless lacZ fusion (white bars) and of the P 4532 -lacZ reporter fusion, p.618

, OD 600 =0.8 in the WT EAEC 17-2 strain, after a 30-min treatment with 2,2'-dipyridyl (+dip; 100 µM) 619 or in the isogenic fur, dam and fur-dam mutants

, FIG 4 Fur binds to the 4532 promoter and prevents access to the RNA polymerase in vitro, p.621

, Electrophoretic mobility shift assay of the EC042_4532 promoter (P 4532 ) with the indicated