A. Briatte, . Gubin, . Éliane, and F. Thébaud, L'Europe, une chance pour les femmes ? Le genre de la construction européenne, 2019.

M. Carbonell, Des hommes à l'origine de l'Europe. Biographies des membres de la Haute Autorité de la CECA, 2008.

R. Poidevin and D. Spierenburg, Biography: Mauve Carbonell is Jean Monnet Chair and Associate Professor of History at Aix-Marseille Université, as well as director of the "Études européennes et internationales" master's program, and a member of the UMR TELEMMe. In addition, she serves as the coordinator for the Erasmus Mundus "South European Studies" international master's program for Aix-Marseille. She is also a member of the steering committee for the AMU Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, 1993.

, She continued her research in the history of relations between European industry and its environment, 1953.

©. Usa, /. Sre, P. , F. , and L. ,