P. Auster, Report from the Interior, 2014.

P. Auster and . Leviathan, New York: Henry Holt and Co, 1993.

P. Auster, New York: Henry Holt and Co, vol.4321, 2017.

R. Barthes and . La, Note sur la photographie, Cahiers du cinéma / Gallimard, 1980.

S. Calle and . Doubles-jeux, Arles : Actes Sud, 1998.

C. Nathalie and S. Vallas, An Interview with Paul Auster, Transatlantica. 1 | 2015. Web. 23, 2019.

M. Foucault, Les mots et les choses. Paris: Gallimard, 1966.

. Miramax, , 1995.

, Section 1 commands 67 of the 107 images, more than 60% and section 3 less than 20%. The latter (less visible perhaps) forms a chronological sequence with section 1

, In his dress and posture, a literal incarnation of the term "little man

, There is of course the cover photograph "Paul Auster at age 6 by Queenie Auster, 1953.

, It took me a long time to find the pictures. I worked on the photos for months. It took longer to find them than to write the section about the films. I was told about a photo researcher, a woman whose sole job in the world is to do this kind of work. She helped me, I had to pay for the Auster's "Album, 2019.