. See and . Histoire, See also the various research projects gathered under the header of, Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World: Rethinking the Black Death, vol.1, 2009.

M. Derat and R. Seignobos, La femme éthiopienne de Moïse dans l'Histoire des églises et des monastères d'Égypte et la Chronique d'al-Mak?n, Figures de Moïse. Approches textuelles et iconographiques, pp.249-78, 2015.

S. Christopher-munro-hay and A. Ethiopia, The Metropolitan Episcopacy of Ethiopia, vol.1, pp.130-168, 1997.

F. Fauvelle, Le Rhinocéros d'or. Histoires du Moyen Âge africain, pp.55-63, 2013.

M. Kropp, La Corne d'Afrique orientale d'après les géographes arabes du Moyen-Âge, pp.161-97, 1992.

S. E. Cerulli, The Arabic manuscripts on which Cerulli based his edition and translation have recently been identified by Alessandro Gori. They are currently studied by HornEast's team, whose members will soon provide a new edition and commentary of the texts usually known as Shoa Chronicle and History of the Walasma?. Meanwhile, see Damien Labadie, Documenti arabi per la storia dell'Etiopia, pp.37-101, 1931.

C. Bosc-tiessé, M. Derat, E. Fritsch, and W. Abullif, Les inscriptions arabes, coptes et guèzes des églises de L?libal?, Annales d'Éthiopie, vol.25, pp.43-53, 2010.

E. Cerulli, Il libro etiopico dei miracoli di Maria e le sue fonti nelle letterature del medio evo latino, vol.1, 1943.

E. Cerulli and . Etiopi-in-palestina, Storia della communità etiopica di Gerusalemme, Collezione scientifica e documentaria 12 and 14, vol.2, 1943.

E. Donzel, The Ethiopian Presence in Jerusalem until 1517, The Third International Conference on Bilad al-Sham, vol.1, pp.93-104, 1980.

K. Stoffregen-pedersen, But the earliest evidence of a well-established Ethiopian monastic community in Jerusalem dates back to 1290 with a letter intended for the monks by the Ethiopian king Yagbe'a ?eyon, The Ethiopian Church and Its Community in Jerusalem, vol.94, pp.170-73, 1961.

C. Rouxpetel, Indiens, Éthiopiens et Nubiens dans les récits de pèlerinage occidentaux: entre altérité constatée et altérité construite (XII e -XIV e siècles)," special issue, L'Occident, la croisade et l'Éthiopie, XII e -XVI e siècles, vol.27, pp.71-90, 2012.

A. Haymanot, The Egyptian Metropolitan of the Ethiopian Church: A Study on a Chapter of History of the Ethiopian Church, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, vol.54, pp.175-222, 1988.

. Munro-hey and A. Ethiopia,

B. Lewis, Race and Slavery in the Middle East: An Historical Enquiry, 1992.

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S. E. Marmon, Eunuchs and Sacred Boundaries in Islamic society, 1995.

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C. Perry, The Daily Life of Slaves and the Global Research of Slavery in Medieval Egypt, 969-1250 CE, 2014.

, Two HornEast team members are currently working on the slave trade and slavery: Robin Seignobos (postdoctoral fellow, IFAO, Cairo), on Nubian slaves as part of his ongoing survey of Nubian people outside Nubia; and Shahista Refaat (PhD candidate, whose dissertation is focusing on Ethiopian slaves and freed men and women in the Mamluk Middle East

M. Derat, Chrétiens et musulmans face à la traite et à l'esclavage aux XV e et XVI e siècles, Traites et esclavages en Afrique orientale et dans l'océan Indien, pp.121-169, 2013.

R. Seignobos, L'Égypte et la Nubie à l'époque médiévale. Élaboration et transmission des savoirs historiographiques (641-ca. 1500)," (Doctoral dissertation, 2016.